培地 | コメント |
2xFM1(自家製) | 凍結保存用試薬 (無血清培養細胞に適合するが、有血清培養細胞にも使用可) Freeze Medium 1, double concentration of DMSO and Methylcellulose, especially useful for serum-free cultured cells (see Ohno, T. et al., Cytotechnology 1, 257-260, 1988) 極東製薬 FM-1(2倍濃度に調製済) |
ASF103 | 味の素 |
B27 | B27 Supplement (50X) GIBCO (17504-044) |
Bacto-Peptone | BD (211677) |
BES : N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid | SIGMA (B9879) |
BIO : (2'Z,3'E)-6-Bromoindirubin-3'-acetoxime | BIO-Acetoxime (GSK-3 Inhibitor X ) メルク(361551) |
BM Condimed H1 | Roche (04155645001) |
BME | Basal Medium, Eagle GIBCO (21010-046) |
bovine apo-Transferrin | Transferrin, Bovine (Apo form), lyophilized GIBCO (11108-016) |
CELLBANKER 1 | CELLBANKER 1 (血清含有タイプ) 日本全薬工業株式会社 |
CELLBANKER 2 | CELLBANKER 2 (無血清タイプ) 日本全薬工業株式会社 |
Cell Reservoir One (with DMSO) | Nacalai (07485-44) |
CS | Calf Serum |
CultiCell | CultiCell Medium for Embryonic Stem Cells (StemMediumと同等品) |
Defined Keratinocyte-SFM | Defined Keratinocyte-SFM (1X), Liquid GIBCO (10744-019) |
Dispase | Dispase I 合同酒精株式会社 |
Dispase II | Roche (4942078001) |
DM-160AU | (see Katsuta, H. and Takaoka, T. : Methods in Cell Biol. 14, 145-158,1976) 極東製薬工業株式会社 注文先 |
DM-201 | 極東製薬工業株式会社 注文先 |
DMEM (low glucose) | D-MEM, liquid, GIBCO (11885-084) |
DMEM (high glucose) | D-MEM (high glucose), liquid, GIBCO (11995-065) |
DMEM (high glucose, without Sodium pyruvate) | D-MEM (high glucose, without Sodium pyruvate), liquid, GIBCO (11965-092) |
DMEM (high glucose, without Sodium pyruvate) | D-MEM (high glucose, without Sodium pyruvate), liquid, SIGMA (D5796) |
DMEM (high glucose, without L-Glutamine, with Sodium pyruvate) | D-MEM (high glucose, without L-Glutamine, with Sodium pyruvate), liquid, GIBCO (10313021) |
DMEM (KnockOut) | KnockOut D-MEM GIBCO (10829-018) |
DMEM/HamF12 | DMEM/HamF12 (with L-Glutamine) GIBCO (11320-033) または FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation (048-29785) |
DMEM/HamF12 (without L-Glutamine) | DMEM/HamF12 (without L-Glutamine, with HEPES) SIGMA (D6421) |
Earl's BSS | Earl's Balanced Salt Solution GIBCO (14155-063) |
E-RDF | E-RDF medium 極東製薬工業株式会社 (26500) |
ES | ES medium "Nissui" 日水製薬株式会社 (5971) |
EX-CELL CD CHO Fusion | SIGMA (14365C) |
FBS (FCS) | Fetal bovine serum (Fetal calf serum) |
G-031101 | エムック (31101) 注文先 |
G418 | G418 disulfate salt solution (50mg/ml) SIGMA (G8168) |
GIT | serum-Free medium GIT コージンバイオ (637-25715) |
GMEM | Glasgow MEM GIBCO (11710-035) |
Grace's Insect Medium, Supplemented | Grace's insect cell culture medium GIBCO (11605-094) |
Grace's Insect Medium, Unsupplemented | Grace's insect cell culture medium GIBCO (11595-030) |
HamF10 | Ham's F10 medium (Nutrient mixture F-10 Ham) SIGMA (N6908) |
HamF12 | F-12 Nutrient Mixture (HAM) SIGMA (N6658) |
HAT | GIBCO (21060-017) |
HEPES | GIBCO (15630-080) |
HICS | Heat inactivated CS |
HIFBS | Heat inactivated FBS |
HS | Horse Serum |
human Insulin | Insulin solution human, SIGMA (I9278) |
HuMedia-KG2 | HuMedia-KG2 クラボウ (KK-2150S) |
IMDM | Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Medium SIGMA (I3390) |
Insulin | Insulin solution from Bovine Pancreas SIGMA (I0516) |
IPL-41 | IPL-41 Insect medium, GIBCO (11405081) |
iPSellon | 株式会社カルディオ (007001) 注文先 |
Iscove's | Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Medium : IMDM |
IWP-2 | Wnt Inhibitor IWP-2, Stemgent (04-0034) 注文先 |
Keratinocyte-SFM | GIBCO (17005-042) |
KSR | KnockOut Serum Replacement (KSR) GIBCO (10828-028) |
L-15 | Leibovitz's L-15 medium SIGMA (L1518) |
L-Glutamine | L-Glutamine 200mM (100X) GIBCO (25030-081) |
M199 | GIBCO (11150-059) |
M199 (20-25mM HEPES) | GIBCO (12340-030) |
McCoy's 5A | McCoy's 5A medium GIBCO (16600-082) |
MEM | SIGMA (M4655) |
MEM ALPHA | GIBCO (12571-063) |
MEM(suspension) | S-MEM GIBCO (11380-037) |
MEM Amino Acids Solution | MEM Amino Acids Solution (50x) GIBCO (11130-051) |
MEM Vitamine Solution | MEM Vitamine Solution (100x) GIBCO (11120-052) |
MM | Mitsuhashi & Maramorosch insect tissue culture medium (see Singh, K.R.P.,Curr. Sci. 36, 506, 1967) |
NBS (NCS) | Newborn bovine Serum (Newborn Calf Serum) |
NCTC109 | SIGMA (N1140) |
NCTC135 | SIGMA (N5138) |
NEAA | Non-Essential Amino Acids10mM (100x), liquid 100ml GIBCO (11140-050) |
NEAA (ES Cell Qualified) | ES Cell Qualified MEM Non-Essential Amino Acids Solution 10mM (100X) メルクミリポア (TMS-001-C) |
Nucleosides (ES Cell Qualified) | ES Cell Qualified Nucleosides (100X) メルクミリポア (ES-008-D) |
Neurobasal Medium (NBM) | GIBCO (21103-049) |
Pluronic F-68 | SIGMA (P1300) |
PLUSOID-M | エムック (31101) 注文先 |
POWEREDBY10 | エムック (31101) 注文先 |
Primate ES Cell Medium | 霊長類ES細胞培地 ReproCELL (RCHEMD001) |
RDF (Glutamine(-)) | 機能性ペプチド研究所 |
RITC80-7 | RITC 80-7 medium 機能性ペプチド研究所 (IFP-0150) |
RPMI 1640 | RPMI 1640 medium, liquid GIBCO (11875-093) |
S-Clone CM-B | エス・クロン クローニングメディウム CM-B 積水マテリアルソリューションズ株式会社 (521669) 注文先 |
Schneider's | Schneider's drosophila medium GIBCO (21720-024) |
SFM-101 | SFM101培地 日水製薬株式会社 (5963) |
StemFit AK02N | 味の素 (AK02N) |
StemMedium | StemMedium Serum Free Media for Mouse ES Cell 株式会社ケー・エー・シー (KSDSRK100) 注文先 |
Stem Pro-34 SFM | GIBCO (10639-011) |
Stem Span SFEM | Stemcell Technologies Inc (09650) |
STK2 | 間葉系幹細胞培養用無血清培地 株式会社ツーセル (KBDSTC102) 注文先 |
T3 | 3, 3', 5-Triiodo-L-thyronine, SIGMA (T2877) |
TC-10 | TC-10培地 販売終了 |
TC-100 | TC-100培地 株式会社バキュロテクノロジーズ または Sigma-Aldrich |
Transferrin | SIGMA (T1283) |
Ultroser G | Ultroser G serum substitute, Pall corporation (15950-017) 注文先 |
WEHI-3-CM | WEHI-3 condition medium |
William's E | William's medium E, GIBCO (12551-032) |
Y-27632 | WAKO (251-00514) |