Respiratory tract diseases, Eye diseases

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*iPS cells created using the Sendai virus vector are now available

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Update : 2020.11.27

Name of diseases Patient No. *Terms Approval For >HPS References
Respiratory tract diseases
1. Sarcoidosis
Sarcoidosis 1 Unnecessary HPS1496 HPS1497 HPS1498 HPS1499 HPS1500 HPS1501
2 Unnecessary HPS2090 HPS2091 HPS2092 HPS2093 HPS2094 HPS2095
2. Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia
Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 1 Unnecessary HPS1324
2 Unnecessary HPS1466 HPS1467 HPS1468 HPS1469 HPS1470 HPS1471
3 Unnecessary HPS3143 HPS3144 HPS3145 HPS3146 HPS3147 HPS3148
3. Pulmonary hypertension
Pulmonary hypertension 1 HPS0209* HPS0210* HPS0211*
Primary pulmonary hypertension, heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension with unknown etiology 1 Unnecessary HPS1385 HPS1386 HPS1387 HPS1388 HPS1389 HPS1390
2 Unnecessary HPS3155 HPS3156 HPS3157 HPS3158 HPS3159 HPS3160
Primary pulmonary hypertension, idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension 1 Unnecessary HPS1373 HPS1374 HPS1375 HPS1376 HPS1377 HPS1378
4. Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease / pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease / pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis 1 Unnecessary HPS1484 HPS1485 HPS1486 HPS1487 HPS1488 HPS1489
2 Unnecessary HPS2290 HPS2291 HPS2292 HPS2293 HPS2294 HPS2295
5. Idiopathic chronic pulmonary thromboembolism with pulmonary hypertension
Idiopathic chronic pulmonary thromboembolism with pulmonary hypertension 1 Unnecessary HPS1538 HPS1539 HPS1540 HPS1541 HPS1542 HPS1543
2 Unnecessary HPS2202 HPS2203 HPS2204 HPS2205 HPS2206 HPS2207
6. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, sporadic LAM 1 Unnecessary HPS1502 HPS1503 HPS1504 HPS1505 HPS1506 HPS1507
2 Unnecessary HPS3290 HPS3291 HPS3292 HPS3293 HPS3294 HPS3295
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, TSC-LAM 1 Unnecessary HPS2114 HPS2115 HPS2116 HPS2117 HPS2118 HPS2119
7. Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP)
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP), autoimmune 1 Unnecessary HPS2371 HPS2372 HPS2373 HPS2374 HPS2375 HPS2376
8. Alveolar hypoventilation syndrome (AHS)
Alveolar hypoventilation syndrome (AHS), mutation in PHOX2 1 Unnecessary HPS2413 HPS2414 HPS2415 HPS2416 HPS2417 HPS2418
9. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia 1 Unnecessary HPS2888 HPS2889 HPS2890 HPS2891 HPS2892 HPS2893
Eye diseases
1. Retinitis pigmentosa
Retinitis pigmentosa 1 HPS0061
2 HPS0062 HPS0104 HPS0105
3 HPS0072 HPS0106 HPS0107
4 HPS0073
5 HPS0074
6 HPS0075
7 HPS0938
8 HPS1075
2. Macular degeneration
Age related Macular degeneration, retinal angiomatous proliferation 1 HPS1072 HPS1756
2 HPS1757 HPS1758 HPS1759
Best disease 1 HPS1012 HPS1760 HPS1761 HPS1762
3.Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy
Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy 1 HPS1071
Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy, mtDNA G11778A 1 HPS1776
2 HPS1900
4.Gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy
Gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy 1 HPS1013 HPS1903

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