Please read carefully the Japanese governmental guidelines on the utilization of human embryonic stem (ES) cells .Of note, the guideline will be renewed soon.
The guidelines stipulate requirements for distribution of human ES cells from Japan to foreign countries.
In order to be in compliance with the Japanese governmental guidelines, the following procedures are required:
(a) The RECIPIENT submits the following documents to the RIKEN BRC:
1. Initial Order Form
2. A copy of the written approval from the RECIPIENT’s institutional review board (IRB) or institutional ethical committee (IEC). The approval form written in English is acceptable. If the approval form is written in a language other than English or Japanese, please submit English or Japanese translation of the approval form.
(b) The RIKEN BRC obtains a permission from the DEPOSITOR for the distribution. Some DEPOSITORs may request conclusion of an additional MTA between the RECIPIENT and the DEPOSITOR.
(c) After obtaining the permission of the DEPOSITOR, the RIKEN BRC concludes the MTA with the RECIPIENT. Several articles in the MTA are stipulated to be in compliance with the Japanese governmental guidelines.
If you have any queries, please e-mail to the following address.
※ The sublines of SEES3 published in a paper (Nakatake at al. 2020, Cell Reports) are deposited in our cell repository.