- Requests for distribution (Step 1 〜 5)
- Fee and payment (Step 6)
- Distribution procedure (Step 9, 10)
- Terms of Use
- Technical Support
- Quality control
- Requests for publication
a ) Requests for distribution (Step 1 〜 5)
- Refer to this catalog or our website for information on Resources.
- Obtain and complete the appropriate forms. RIKEN Cell Bank documents are available in PDF format. These documents are printable and can be viewed with Adobe Reader.
- Many Resources have no restriction on their use, however, if a prior written permission of the approver (depositor) is required as stated in the Terms and Conditions column of the cell data, please obtain the depositor’s approval.
- To obtain written permission, please complete the Approval Form and send it to the Depositor. Upon receiving the written permission, please return it to us together with the other forms. Depositors and Originators are listed on the website as the “approvers” of each Resource.
- If you can’t find their names or if you have any questions, please contact us by E-mail (cellbank.brc
- Apart from the MTA, please execute “Order Form” for each order.
- Please complete section 4 (Restrictions) of the MTA indicating the “Terms and Conditions” stated on the website.
- Send PDF Forms of “MTA” and “Order Form” to RIKEN Cell Bank by E-mail.
Cell Bank, RIKEN BioResource Research Center (BRC) 3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0074, Japan Contact Us |
b ) Fee and payment (Step 6)
b.1 Fee (In yen)
The fee to the overseas organization
Terms and Conditions cost
- The above fee does not include shipping cost.
- Shipping costs will be independently charged from international couriers ( FedEx, World Courier, TNT Express, DHL Global Forwarding and others). Please refer to each courier for the shipping costs.
- Distribution commissions are subject to change without notice.
b.2 Payment
- After you have received your invoice, please make your payment in one of the following ways :
- By credit card click here for further details.
- The people who would like to make payment by credit card must order biological resources with the specified order form for credit card payment.
- Only we accept the change of payment method before shipping biological resources. The applicant has to contact at cellbank.brc
* Please note that the method of payment cannot be changed after we start processing to issue the invoice.
*By bank transfer in Japanese Yen directly into our account. The final transfer amount received by us should be the full payment, without deduction of transfer charges or currency conversions.
*Please note!
RIKEN is a non-profit organization and therefore requires all applicants to cover all bank charges, (including exchange, commission and handling fees,) when sending payments for resources they have ordered.
c ) Distribution procedure (Step 9, 10)
- A copy of the MTA will be sent together with the cells.
- Each international order will be sent in a dry-ice-frozen box through international couriers ( FedEx, World Courier, TNT Express, DHL Global Forwarding and others). Shipping costs including the cost of the cell lines are the responsibility of the users. (See c1. Fee)
d ) Terms of Use
e ) Technical Support
If you have any questions about quality of the resources you receive, please contact us by E-mail (cellqa.brcriken.jp).
f ) Quality control
The RIKEN BRC has developed Standard Operation Procedures (SOPs) and carries out quality control on all cell materials on this catalog according to the SOPs.
g ) Request for publication
We request you to send us a reprint of your publication. We seek to share all data available on the Biological Resources in the RIKEN BRC.