Fee and Payment

Fees to domestic users include consumption tax.

Resources Fee (JPY)
For use in research for not-for-profit academic purpose ※1 For use in research for-profit-research purpose ※2
General cell lines (RCB)  (per tube)16,83033,660
EBV transformed B cell lines derived from Japanese (HEV)  (per tube)16,83033,660
Sonoda-Tajima Collection (HSC) : EBV-transformed B cell lines derived from various human ethnic groups (per tube)16,83033,660
Goto Collection (GMC) : EBV transformed B cell lines and primary fibroblasts derived from Werner syndrome patients (per tube)16,83033,660
Animal ES cell lines including nuclear transferred ES cell lines and germline stem cell lines (AES)  (per tube)25,30050,600
Animal iPS cells (APS)  (per tube)25,30050,600 (*3)
Human ES cells (HES)  (per tube)27,94055,880
Human iPS cells (HPS)  (per tube) ※3 27,94055,880 (*3)
Cell line validation testingMycoplasma test38,61038,610
Short tandem repeat polymorphism analysis test for human cell lines37,51037,510
Clontech Laboratories, Inc., a license fee  (per cell line)21,010
・Fees do not include the packing fee, which will be separately charged.
The packing fee (dry ice)
RIKEN Box;Not included in shipping fee14,760
Carrier Box;included in shipping fee7,420
Shipping fee will be charged directly by the carrier.

※1 This refers to the use of our bioresource in research for not-for-profit academic purpose by a non-profit organization. Category I MTA is needed.

※2 This refers to the use of our bioresource in research for the following cases. Category II MTA is needed.

    a) For research to be conducted by for-profit organizations
    b) For collaborative research between for-profit organization and not-for-profit organization
    c) For research by not-for- organization outsourced and sponsored by for-profit organization
    d) For for-profit research by not-for-profit organization including R&D with the aim of patent acquisition

※3  Profit organizations must contact iPS Academia Japan, Inc prior to ordering.


  • After you have received your invoice, please make your payment in one of the following ways :
  • By credit card click here for further details.
  1. Please note the followings when you remit the distribution fee for BRC’s bioresources from your bank.
    • If the remitter’s name differs from the addressee on the invoice sent by BRC, we may not accept the remittance. If you wish to pay under a name different from the BRC invoice, please consult with BRC reception in advance.
    • If the remitter’s name differs from the addressee on the BRC invoice, BRC will confirm with the billing recipient (i.e., the ordering party). This process may delay the shipment of BRC’s bioresources.
    • If payment is made to BRC from an institution or individual with a name different from the addressee on the BRC invoice without prior notification, a refund may not be possible.
  2. The people who would like to make payment by credit card must order biological resources with the specified order form for credit card payment.
  3. Only we accept the change of payment method before shipping biological resources. The applicant has to contact at cellbank.brcriken.jp.
    * Please note that the method of payment cannot be changed after we start processing to issue the invoice.

*By bank transfer in Japanese Yen directly into our account. The final transfer amount received by us should be the full payment, without deduction of transfer charges or currency conversions.

BioResource Research Center Planning Office
RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0074, Japan
E-mail :brc-frontml.riken.jp

Please note! 
RIKEN is a non-profit organization and therefore requires all applicants to cover all bank charges, (including exchange, commission and handling fees,) when sending payments for resources they have ordered.

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