RIKEN BioResource Research Center Cell Bank
MAILNEWS 20220310
RIKEN BioResource Research Center (BRC) is pleased to update you
with the latest information.
- Newly cataloged cell lines (2022.03)
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- Newly cataloged cell lines (2022.03)
Urgent announcement: disturbance of resource shipping to Europe
Due to the war in Ukraine, shipping of cell materials to Europe is
disturbed. There may happen some delay of delivery than usual. We
are very anxious about insufficient shipping condition by decreasing of
dry ice in the container due to the delay. We will carefully schedule
each shipping by consulting shipping companies, and inform the
shipping situation to all recipients one by one with e-mail. Thank you in
advance for your understanding and cooperation.
We sincerely hope that peace comes back soon.
*If you have any questions or comments, please send an e-mail to
*Content is subject to change without notice.
*All Rights Reserved.
RIKEN BioResource Research Center Cell Bank
3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba-shi
Ibaraki, 305-0074 Japan