RIKEN BioResource Research Center Cell Bank
MAILNEWS 20200508
RIKEN BioResource Research Center “Cell Bank” is announcing our
new e-mail newsletter.
- Continuation of the suspension of
bioresource deposition/distribution services
To users of bioresources,
RIKEN BioResource Research Center (BRC) has been suspending
the bioresource deposition/distribution services since April 9th
in order to comply with the Japanese Government's Declaration of the
State of Emergency regarding COVID-19 and the order from the RIKEN
president for all RIKEN staff to work from home. The suspension of the
services was originally planned to end on May 10th. However, on May 4th,
the Japanese Government decided to continue the State of Emergency until
May 31st, and on May 5th, the following day, the RIKEN president ordered
all RIKEN staff to continue the work from home until June 7th. Complying
with the order, RIKEN BRC inevitably decided to continue the suspension
of the deposition/distribution services to allocate our limited
personnel to the maintenance of bioresources. Once again, please accept
our sincere apology for any inconvenience that may be caused by the
prolonged suspension of the deposition/distribution services, and we
appreciate your understanding.
At this moment, the suspension of the bioresource deposition/distribution
services is planed until June 7th. However, the contents of the order
from the RIKEN president may be revised depending on the changes in the
COVID-19 situation in Japan. In any events, we will let you know the
date of the resumption as soon as it is decided.
For inquiries regarding this notice, please contact the following
Divisions in charge of the respective resources.
Cell Engineering Division E-mail : cellqa.brc
We ask for your kind understanding that this measure will contribute
to containment of the spread of COVID-19, and we look forward to your
continued support for RIKEN BRC.
RIKEN BioResource Research Center
Link to the announcement on the BRC website
*If you have any questions or comments, please send an e-mail to
*Content is subject to change without notice.
*All Rights Reserved.
RIKEN BioResource Research Center “Cell Bank”
3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba-shi
Ibaraki, 305-0074 Japan